Monday, 23 May 2016

CMTC 2016

Hey guys! 
So 2 weeks ago I had the awesome opportunity to attend a Canadian and Talent Model Convention in Markham, On! It was an insane weekend with many challenges, but in the end was very rewarding. 

I had a lovely drive up to Markham with a good friend of mine, and when I got there I checked in to the hotel and headed straight to registration. When I had finally registered I was told that I had to submit a photo of myself for a competition known as Commercial Print. Not having this prior knowledge I had to call a taxi to take me to the nearest Staples so I could get some pictures printed. After running around like crazy for an hour I finally got them submitted haha. 

The next morning (Thursday) we all gathered for Orientation, and the convention began! I decided last minute that I was going to take the Runway Workshop,and signed up. When the lady giving the seminar asked if all of us had our heels on I had to book it back up to my room and grab my 5 inch high heels and book it back. (Sidenote: I had originally packed 3 inch heels, but an hour before my departure my lovely dog decided to chew through them...)So I stuffed my tiny toes into those huge heels and stepped onto the catwalk, and while I was walking the lady would critique us on our walk and tell us what to fix. As I'm halfway down the runway my foot slipped out of my shoe and I wobbled and almost fell but kept going. I was so embarrassed, my face was flushed red!
After the first fumble, I was able to successfully walk down the catwalk even though I wear high heels once in a blue moon. 
After the runway I had to prepare for my TV Commercial Competition. I had no idea that I was supposed to have a script prepared so I had to book it back to my room and search one and try to memorize it as fast as I could. When we all lined up I kept trying to remember it in my head, and when I got to the door I got so nervous! I walked into the room and stood on the red arrow taped on the floor and looked up and there were agents and scouts sitting all around the room staring at me; waiting for me to start and 'wow' them. My face flushed and I started into my commercial and fumbled halfway through. 
I was so exhausted after both competitions, I headed straight to the hot-tub haha! I know that both these things don't sound very hard at all, but the emotional stress and nervousness drains the life out of you. 
Rather than going to the theme dance they had planned for that night, I decided to hang out with some cool girls I had met from MIM. And we went and got some yummy Greek food. 
So Friday rolls around, and it's the day of the Runway Competition! And I didn't lose my shoe haha! It was actually really exhilarating being able to walk down the runway with all eyes glued on you and your performance. I also decided last minute to join the Swimsuit competition with a cool girl I met there, and it was WAY more fun. It was so chill and relaxed. I got to walk barefoot down the runway and smile at all the judges. 
After the runway competitions I lined up for the singing auditions. And the whole time in line I was humming my song so I wouldn't lose my note, and just kept going over and over it. When I got inside the room my brain decided to malfunction and start me in a lower key. I couldn't restart the song as it would be super unprofessional so I had to try to make my song sound somewhat decent even though it was so low. I know I messed up, but I just said thanks and left. 

On Saturday, I had my last competition. It was called Photography Go-See. And we all lined up and took two photos of ourselves and walked around a room holding them in front of us for agents and scouts to see. We had two rooms we had to walk through. The first room was with all the International Scouts and they were very quite and serious. Some said 'good morning', others didn't even look at you. The next room was the more local agents and scouts, and they were so chill! They were all laughing and joking and every single one of them said they loved my blue hair. They all seemed like such great people to work for. 
I didn't get into the singing competition because I failed so badly so I just kinda chilled around for the day and watched all the singing competitions and dance competitions. After that we all got ready for the awards banquet were we had a four course meal and they handed out trophies to all the exceptional talent and models that were there:) Then they had a dance which was tons of fun!

Sunday morning was our last morning, and immediately everyone was lining up to check to see if they had "callbacks" (where an agent or scout wants to talk to you specifically in person). I wasn't expecting to get any considering I felt like I had blown the whole thing so many times, but I actually got 4 which was really cool! 2 for modeling, 1 for singing, and 1 for acting. 

After the callbacks where finished I had to check out immediately and try to find my way home. I had such a problem trying to get home traveling with my cat! 2 taxi's wouldn't take me, and I was so afraid the train wouldn't either. Finally after so much anxiety, emotional stress and taxi, train, car rides; I finally made it home late Sunday night :)

So what's now? Just waiting. I could be contacted in 6 weeks, 6 months, or maybe never at all. But the experience and adventure was so worth it and I feel like I learned so much despite all my failures haha.

Talk to you later! 
 All dressed up for Orientation!
 Relaxing by the Hottub after long days <3
  Keara, and Melanie from MIM <3
 And Jessie, another independent!

Before the runway competition!
 Just goofing around haha

 Yay for the awards dinner!

  And lastly the callbacks I got :)

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

The Adventure Begins!

Hello lovely people :) 
So remember how I had that audition and qualified to attend a modeling and talent convention? Well the time has arrived! I arrived at my hotel and registered earlier today. Yippee!! 
I felt a little bit out of my element when I first arrived. Everyone was walking around in heels, dressed-to-the-nines, with long beautiful blond hair, and here I am in my joggers, with blue messy hair. I quickly got over that fact though because I realized that it really doesn't matter. Sure, they may be prettier, taller, and skinnier, but hey I like me and who I am so really, what does it matter? Self-confidence and encouragement is definitely the best way to relieve pressure and feelings of misplacement. 

When I was in the middle of registering I saw this sign for people who had signed up for photography or commercial print, and it said that they had to hand in printed photos of themselves. I was a little shocked since I hadn't had any warning of this,I spent the next hour and a half frantically trying to get some printed!And this is when I took my very first taxi ride. It was just as exciting as I had anticipated haha (except you still gotta give them money) and with the cabi's help I was able to submit them in time. 

Although the competitions,seminars and workshops don't commence until tomorrow, I am so excited and so nervous for them all. There are very many people here for this convention, which is slightly discouraging but also very encouraging because it makes the drive to learn and excel that much stronger. I am so excited to learn and compete and grow my understanding of the musical/modeling industry. 
My hotel room is beautiful! And my cat Beaner seems to think so too. 
Well I have to go, but I will be updating you all through this, so stay tuned :)
Love y'all 